The sixth paragraph introduces a clay friend...
"The bas-relief was a rough rectangle less than an inch thick and..."
The sixth paragraph introduces a clay friend...
"The bas-relief was a rough rectangle less than an inch thick and..."
Here comes the fifth paragrapah from The Call of Cthulhu, a reading and some thoughts...
"As my grand-uncle’s heir and executor, for he died a childless widower, I was expected to go over his papers with some thoroughness"
Digging into the fourth paragraph.
"My knowledge of the thing began in the winter of 1926–27 with the death of my grand-uncle George Gammell Angell..."
In this episode we tackle a large paragraph
"Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents..."
In this episode we read the first paragraph of chapter 1.
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents..."
The podcast is opening with H.P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu". The opening quote from an Algernon Blackwood story.
Some references lifted from the text that are real-world... "The writing accompanying this oddity was, aside from a stack of press cut...